Restore Your Confidence With Our Breath Treatment

Having bad breath is one of the quickest ways to put a damper on an otherwise positive interpersonal encounter. When your breath is offensive, that’s what the other person is going to remember – maybe even more than what you said. If you’ve been told you have halitosis or suspect that you do, you will find help here at Legacy Hill Dentistry. Perhaps you already brush your teeth regularly and floss every day, and you still have a breath problem. If so, our team will work with you to find the root cause.

We may suggest:

  • Brushing an extra time during the day to help freshen your breath
  • Chewing sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva flow and lessen bad odors
  • Making dietary changes to eliminate food that causes sour breath
  • Coming in more frequently for dental cleanings and exams to remove built-up plaque and tartar from your teeth

We can also recommend specialty products that can help with halitosis. These products are safe to use and will help keep bad breath at bay. We’ll do all we can to help you make your breath as pleasant as possible.

Visit us soon for Smyrna breath treatment. Call the team at Legacy Hill Dentistry for an appointment: 615-510-6996. You can also make an appointment online.