Routine dental care, when you think about six-month cleanings or for some patients three or four-month cleanings, is super important. Our office does our very best to get appointments set up before you leave the office. And that’s for the patient’s benefit and for our office benefit. It’s easier for us to make sure that we find a spot that’s convenient for you on the schedule to get you set up. But it’s also better for the patient because once you leave here, we know your minds on other things besides getting your teeth cleaned. But because routine dental care is so important for good oral health, we try to go those extra steps to make sure you’re getting the attention you need and that we’re providing the best, most convenient experience as possible. Small things, if handled quickly, are kept small. My line, I usually tell patients, are cavities only get bigger. They never get smaller. And so fortunately, if we can catch them when they are small, it’s a much easier, much more affordable fix than if it’s prolonged for six months, 12 months, or several years.
Our General Dentistry Treatments Will Keep You Smiling
Our dentists and team members are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain your best smile. Whenever you visit us, we’ll listen carefully to your needs and concerns. That way, we can provide treatment that helps you meet those needs. To give you a high level of dental care, we offer several types of general dentistry:
- Dental Cleanings and Exams – Our advanced dental technology makes your checkups anything but routine. This includes digital X-rays, an iTero electronic cavity detector, and a VELscope to screen for oral cancer.
- Gum Disease Treatment – If we find evidence of gum disease, we can perform a deep cleaning on your gums using scaling and root planing.
- Custom Mouthguards – Our professionally made mouthguards can help prevent a dental disaster when playing sports or help you avoid dental damage caused by teeth grinding (bruxism). Our mouthguards will fit better and last longer than store-bought pieces.
- Dry Mouth Treatment – We’ll help you manage this chronic condition. Once we know the cause of your dry mouth, we can recommend treatment or specialty products.
- Bad Breath (Halitosis) Treatment – Quit worrying about embarrassment during social encounters. Our team will work to uncover the cause of your breath problem and treat it. You’ll again enjoy full confidence when interacting with others.
Call Legacy Hill Dentistry today at 615-510-6996 to schedule an appointment for care. Don’t neglect your precious smile! Take care of it with our Smyrna general dentistry. You can also make an appointment online. For your convenience, our office opens at 7 a.m.